

For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”
Порядок заполнения заявления на получение (продление срока действия) лицензии на деятельность, связанную с предоставлением услуг связи

Document Number/Номер документа: 11


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For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”
For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”

Document Number/Номер документа: 203-PA

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For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”
For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”

Document Number/Номер документа: 37

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For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”
For the completion of an “Application for a new (extension of an existing) license for activities related to the provision of communication services”

Document Number/Номер документа: 1158 ver.1

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